Asian Beer Battered Tofu Tacos with Homemade Kimchi

We’ve all got them, those foods that we wake up craving, those foods we daydream about, those foods that make us salivate at the thought of them.  Most people’s lists include chocolate, chips, pasta, cheese, bread and the like.  My recent food lusting has taken a strange twist.  I. Crave. Tofu!  All day, everyday, I want it.  Don’t know where it came from, don’t know what it will take to tame the hungry tofu beast, but she’s there.

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Soupy Sundays: Hot-and-Sour Coconut Soup

An unexpected snow storm has me in serious nesting mode and in need of a that internal warm fuzzy that only comes from a comforting bowl of soup.  This Thai inspired dish has done just that on several occasions, and it’s my hope that you’ll add it to your winter recipe repertoire.

The delicious infused broth has to be used in other dishes, I just haven’t been inspired yet to figure out what.  Trust me when I tell you the ginger, cilantro, garlic and lemongrass have one serious marriage that even cheese and beer would be hard pressed to rival.  There’s a clean, fresh, and sublime taste that accompanies this dish.  I know you’ll love it.

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Touchdown Thursdays: Crab Rangoons with Spicy Apricot Dipping Sauce

No matter where I dine, I have a hard time staying away from calamari and crab wantons/rangoons, in theory, they should rock.  Inevitably… they usually suck!  I’m a glutton for punishment, but I’m also hopeful that a restaurant somewhere will get these delights right.

In the meantime, I’ll just crush them at home, with killer results!

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Bánh Mì

An odd thing happened when I sat down to write this post… I had no idea what to say.  What do you say about one of the greatest taste experiences on the planet?  Thank God for a world of flavors and cuisines, and thank God for the people who turn us onto them – pretty much all I came up with.

One of the funniest people I know also happens to be our work Bánh Mì fairy.  The first time I enjoyed one of these simple sandwiches, I fell in love.  Simple, beautiful flavors – salty, sweet, spicy, clean… amazing.  Give me bread, meat and cilantro and I’m a happy girl.

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